Witherspoon Law Group Legal Study

Witherspoon Law Group

Witherspoon Law Group – Case Study

The Witherspoon Law Group is a personal injury firm that specializes in serious injury and wrongful death cases. They practice law in four states: Texas, Missouri, Florida, and Illinois and are led by attorneys Nuru Witherspoon and Kay Harper-Williams. The Witherspoon Law Group most notably represented George Floyd’s estate in the case against Kayne West.

Focus groups paved the way for Witherspoon in a highly competitive Florida personal injury market.

Through Elevate, a legal research company, insights uncovered from multiple focus groups with African Americans in Florida helped the Witherspoon team understand the best ways to present their lead partners and overall firm to capture the trust of skeptical consumers specifically within the black community for which they primarily serve.

Legal Research Companies Focus Groups of 5 people.

A new tagline is born from the voice of African American consumers.

A variety of taglines, hashtags, and vanity phone numbers were presented to focus group participants over a two-day period and their feedback helped shape #WitherspoonWeWin and 844-WE-WIN-44 as the firm’s primary vanity phone number in Florida.

Constructive consumer feedback yields changes to firm’s website.

Focus group participants were asked to evaluate the firm’s website and provide initial reactions and recommendations for possible improvements which were immediately implemented to streamline conversions online from other channels.

Witherspoon Home Page

Elevate works with production house, Vivid Zero, to create a campaign unlike any other.

With consumer insights in hand, Elevate collaborated with Vivid Zero to draft script concepts that spoke to the firm’s focus group findings ultimately settling on the following 0:30 TV spot which was filmed in Dallas, Texas over two days.

Light the Dark received national recognition within the industry and drew immediate attention from the African American community for its creativity and authenticity. The firm signed an immediate 20 cases within 18 days of its airing on broadcast television in the area.

Subsequent social media videos were also made highlighting key points of differentiation for the firm found in their focus group insights such as this video, “1%,” which was created to help establish credibility and trust with women.

Elevate is a “game changer” for the Witherspoon Law Group.

“You should do this process because it is the only way to learn exactly who your customers are and what they are looking for and deliver it to them. It really is a game changer.”

-Lead Partner, Kay Harper-Williams

Elevate, a legal research company, played a significant role in the success of The Witherspoon Law Group by providing crucial market insights and data. This collaboration ensured that the firm’s strategies were data-driven and tailored to meet the needs of their target audience. The use of a legal research company enabled Witherspoon to make informed decisions that resonated with their clients and set them apart in a competitive market. Contact us to find out more details.

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