APEX Ad Testing Services

In a world bombarded with a cacophony of advertising messages
daily, making your voice heard can feel like screaming “where’s the bathroom?”
at a concert while thousands of fellow concert goers shout the lyrics to the
band’s latest hit song. You need more than just creativity, you need an ad testing company who can provide a strategy to find that bathroom with a clear path on how to get there. That’s were our proprietary ad testing tool Ad Performance Experience (APEX) tool can help… and a friendly security guard with a map to the closest restroom.

Breakthrough with Data-Driven Creativity

Our APEX Ad testing service isn’t just innovative—it’s revolutionary. By evaluating over 1,000 ads per year across
diverse platforms, we’ve honed our methodology to measure what matters:

Memorability Icon


We track how well your ad sticks in the minds of your audience.

Overall Impression Icon

Overall Impression:

Our analysis reveals the emotions and thoughts your ad invokes.

Likelihood to Recommend Icon

    Likelihood to Recommend:

Discover the likelihood of viewers spreading the word.

Likelihood to Purchase Icon

Likelihood to Purchase:

Gauge how strongly your ad prompts buying decisions.

With our APEX ad testing services, you get a 360-degree view of your ad’s performance, arming you with the insights to make smart, effective tweaks.


Real-Time Reactions
with Dial Testing

Our ad testing services, featuring dial testing, offer instant feedback, capturing real-time reactions to your ad. It's akin to observing your audience's thoughts unravel moment by moment. This precise data informs you exactly when you've engaged them or when their attention wanes.

Real-Time Reactions with Dial Testing
Spokesperson Evaluation

Spokesperson Evaluation

The face of your campaign can make or break its success. Our talent report cards grade potential spokespeople against metrics that matter, ensuring your representative resonates with and appeals to your target demographic.

Talent Report Card:

From Data to Direction

As an ad testing company we don't just leave you with numbers and graphs. We translate data into strategic action. Our team of experts analyzes the findings to provide clear, actionable insights that will guide your creative decisions.

From Data to Direction


Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all reports. Our custom ad testing visualizations are tailored to highlight the information you need most, in a format that’s clear and actionable.

Creative Consultation

Post-analysis, we engage with you to refine and elevate your advertising. Drawing on insights from the ad testing APEX tool, we help you craft messages that don’t just reach audiences but move them.

Transformative Results

Whether it’s a TV commercial that needs to evoke emotion, a radio spot that must stand out, or a digital ad designed to click, we test it all. With Elevate, no medium is beyond our scope, and no detail is too small. Our expansive AD TESTING capabilities include anything you can “hear-click-see” and include but are not limited to the following.

TV commercial

Website/Mobile App

Social Media

Jingle/Sonic Brand

Direct Mailer

Radio Announcement

Storyboard Concept


Mobile Splash Page


Vehicle Wraps

Newspaper Ad


Virtual Showroom Tour

And more!

A Year in Review

consumer interviews
ads tested
scripts concepts developed
lift in KPIs for clients
14- %
of happy clients
0 s

Ready to Elevate Your Advertising?

Join the family of brands who’ve seen transformative results with our Ad Testing Company’s service and consulting.. It’s time your ads not just exist but perform. Reach out today, and let’s craft ad concepts that don’t just leave impressions-they drive results.


APEX Ad Testing stands for Ad Performance Experience, a proprietary tool that evaluates the effectiveness of advertising campaigns across multiple metrics. It measures memorability, overall impression, likelihood to recommend, and likelihood to purchase, providing a comprehensive analysis of your ad’s impact.

APEX Ad Testing provides insights into how your ad resonates with audiences, including emotional responses, memorability, and the effectiveness of your message in prompting viewer actions like recommendations and purchases. This data helps refine and optimize your advertising strategy.

Any brand or marketer looking to understand the effectiveness of their ads before full-scale rollout can benefit from APEX Ad Testing. It’s ideal for testing TV commercials, digital ads, radio spots, and more, ensuring that all forms of media are impactful and effective.

Our spokesperson evaluation assesses potential campaign faces using metrics that resonate with your target audience. We provide a talent report card grading attributes like charm, professionalism, and appeal, ensuring your spokesperson aligns perfectly with your brand and campaign goals.

We don’t just provide data; we deliver direction. Our team analyzes ad testing results to offer strategic recommendations that enhance your ad’s performance. This includes custom reporting and collaborative creative consultation to refine messaging and execution.

APEX can test virtually any advertising medium, including TV commercials, social media ads, radio announcements, digital content, and more. Our extensive capabilities ensure that no medium is beyond our scope, from traditional platforms to innovative digital formats.

Clients typically see significant improvements in key performance indicators, such as increased engagement, higher conversion rates, and more effective communication of the advertising message. APEX Ad Testing aims to transform your ads from mere content to compelling calls to action that drive results.