Elevating Return on Advertising Investment with Ad Testing

Ad Testing Dashboard

Understanding how consumers respond to your ads, CTAs, and spokespeople can mitigate advertising waste and improve return on investment from paid media.

As an experienced expert in data interpretation and consumer insights, we have directly observed the impactful influence ad testing can have for a brand.

In this article we’ll delve into the benefits of using consumer feedback with ad testing and how those insights can drive improved return on investment with paid media.

The Importance of APEX Ad Testing

Ad Testing is an important step in understanding how an ad resonates with a target population or consumer group.

Elevate’s proprietary APEX Ad testing tool evaluates memorability, overall (company) impression, likelihood to recommend, likelihood to purchase, and “single best thing” to arm marketers with relevant insights on the effectiveness of the ad in generating interest, influence, and action with consumers.

Because Elevate is fielding ad testing research daily, we have category and regional norms on file to help put our client’s findings in perspective too.

Learn what customers like: By studying how segments of the population (Gen X, families with kids, high income earners etc.) respond to your ads, adjustments can be made in placement and storytelling to improve creative resonance.

Improve customer advocacy: Ads that connect with customers’ emotions drive loyalty and advocacy.

Ad Testing Methodologies

There are several methodologies to consider when approaching ad testing:

Online Surveys

Online surveys are a cost-effective way to gather quantitative data from a large pool of consumers. Survey research can help gauge sentiment at scale broadly and identify trends in consumer preferences against a variety of subsets of your desired audience.

Focus Groups

Qualitative focus groups can provide conversational insights about creative resonance and powerful insights on the specific aspects of the ad that’s working in specifics. This method is invaluable for understanding nuances between ads that go beyond charts, facts, and figures.

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves the deployment of two versions of an ad and measuring which one performs better in front of consumers. This method is straightforward and provides clear, provides actionable data but can be cost prohibitive.

Leveraging Ad Testing Companies

Ad testing companies, like Elevate, help brands streamline the process of collecting consumer feedback on their ads. Here are a few benefits of working with ad testing companies:

Expertise: Ad testing companies have specialized knowledge and experience that can help you get the most out of your ad testing efforts and because they can provide norms for your industry which provides valuable context for your data.  

Advanced Tools: These companies often have access to state-of-the-art technology for data collection and analysis, providing you with more accurate and comprehensive insights.

Objective Analysis: An external company can provide an unbiased perspective, ensuring that your ad concepts are evaluated fairly.

Analyzing the Data

Once you’ve collected data from your ad testing efforts, the next step is to analyze it. Here are some key steps in the analysis process to consider:

Data Cleaning

Ensure that your data is clean and free from errors. This step is critical for obtaining accurate and actionable data.

Segment Analysis

Break down the data into different segments to understand how various demographics respond to your ad concepts. This can help you tailor your marketing messaging to different audience groups and improve creative resonance.

Trend Identification

Look for patterns and trends in the data. Understanding these trends can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

Actionable Insights

Translate the data into actionable insights. This involves identifying specific changes you can make to your ad concepts to improve their effectiveness.

The Benefits of Engaging Market Research Consultants

Analyzing consumer response to ad concepts is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy and paid media campaign. Ad testing research can provide deep insight into consumer preferences and help you optimize ad spending. Remember, the goal is not just to collect data but to uncover the stories hidden within it and use those stories to drive improved creative resonance and customer advocacy.

Contact us today to start testing your Ads!

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